PLN Batam and Maxpower to explore green hydrogen project

Hyrdogen project in Batam
Fazil Erwin Alfitri, CEO of Maxpower Group and Irwansyah Putra, CEO of PT PLN Batam. Photo: gokepri/Engesti

Batam, gokepri – PLN Batam and Maxpower Indonesia taking steps to explore hydrogen development project in Batam.

In a bid to mitigate climate change, PT PLN Batam is targeting Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060. The company is partnering with PT Maxpower Indonesia/Maxpower Group to hold a hydrogen development seminar as a potential future source of energy.

Irwansyah Putra, CEO of PT PLN Batam, explains that the seminar will focus on developing hydrogen as a new energy source, free of carbon emissions, that can be scaled up for the power generation industry. “We hope to exchange experiences and knowledge to understand the hydrogen technology that has already developed in the world and that can be applied in Indonesia,” he says at Radisson Hotel, Batam, on March 20th, 2023.

He adds that hydrogen technology could be considered as one solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which cause global warming. It is hoped that hydrogen applications will not only be cleaner but also more economical for the sustainability of electricity providers in Batam.

“Singapore already has plans to move towards this technology, and we will also move towards it. Hydrogen technology can come from anywhere, so it can be cleaner and more economical,” says Putra.

Fazil Erwin Alfitri, CEO of Maxpower Group, explains that hydrogen technology is the future of energy. “The application of hydrogen technology needs to be developed by businesses and become an alternative solution for renewable energy fuel so that the NZE target can be achieved before 2060,” he says.

With the potential and opportunities of this technology, collaboration and cooperation from various parties are needed in its development and implementation. “This is indeed the use of future energy, but it can definitely be applied. Singapore is already taking steps,” says Alfitri.

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Author: Engesti

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